
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My First Blog

Today I decided to start a blog about my family. I think I should have started this when the kids were born to have a better record of their accomplishments, but alas, I am getting started when they are going to be 2-years-old in a few weeks.
Sunday, I decided to ditch the pacifier. It's been an interesting journey so far, but honestly not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Monday's nap time was the worst, Weston and Emma woke up quickly wanting pacifiers and didn't go back to sleep so that day was exhausting, but everything else has been tolerable and I think we're going to make it just fine.

Currently, I'm on winter break from MU where I'm attaining my master's in agricultural education. I have two semester's left of classes and then I student teach my last semester (graduate spring 2011). I am looking forward to being finished but am also happy to have another year at home with Weston and Emma before returning to work full-time.
Andy is working with Sellenriek Construction in Columbia and has been with them for nearly 10 years.
Emma and Weston are our twins who were born on January 30, 2008. They will be two at the end of the month and are doing well. They make me laugh everyday and I love to watch them play and run!

Christmas went great, the kids were much more into it this year and I'm looking forward to their Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Birthday Parties at the end of the month! =) I really enjoy birthdays and love to decorate! The picture is of Weston and Emma we took for our Christmas card's this year. It is the most recent picture I have taken of them!

Well, I guess that is all for now! =)