
Friday, February 26, 2010

A Not so Good Week

So this week has been rough on the family as Emma and I started getting sick last weekend and Weston shortly followed. I am finally feeling better after 5 long days of being sick and I think the kids are starting to do better as well. Andy just started getting sick so he's just now starting to get into the worst of it, but I hope he doesn't end up getting it as bad as the rest of us. Just some kind of nasty cold/flu. Makes us hope for spring even more!
But, at least with all the snow we got last week/weekend it was a good week to stay indoors. Wish we could get out to play in it, but not with sick kids.
Next week is shaping up to be a very busy week ahead and I really cannot believe it's going to be March. Time sure has flown by, usually the semesters seem to drag on but for some reason we're nearly half-way done and it seems like I just started.
Andy has been able to work closer to home the past few weeks which has been wonderful, but is heading back to the longer drive to Columbia next week. Hope he starts feeling better before Monday.
Other than that there's really no big news. We've just been enjoying the Winter Olympics and taking it easy.
As I'm getting nearly finished with my master's I'm getting more excited to teach, another positive experience just makes it seem like that is what I'm supposed to do, so I'm hoping that something will fall into place for me when it come times to find a job this time next year.
I am nervous about student teaching, I sure hope I feel ready when the time comes, but it helped ease my mind to talk with some of my friends who are student teaching this semester that I can get through it! =)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Winter Fun

Finally, the temperature was warmer with snow on the ground for the kids to enjoy their first time playing out in the snow. We enjoyed the winter weather on Saturday and the kids had a lot of fun, especially riding on the tractor with daddy.

Monday, February 8, 2010

2nd Birthday Parties

On January 30 my kids turned 2-years-old. It's truly amazing how quickly the past few years have gone by. We celebrated with two parties, one in Jefferson City on the 30th and one in Shelbyville on the 31st. It made for a busy weekend, but the kids had a blast and enjoyed all the parties and the balloons! =)

Emma wanted to wear the goggles that came with Weston's weed eater he received, which made for some pretty funny pictures!

Weston and his little cake
Emma loves her Snow White dress-up crown, heels, gloves and purse!