
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fishin' Fun

What an exciting time the last few weeks!
School ended for me on May 5 and I spent the next few days with my mom traveling to Shreveport, LA, to help my sister get settled in to her new home. It was an exciting and long trip! We came back on mother's day and I arrived home finally at about 6 that evening! Andy had a wonderful card for me and the kids each made a card for me, too cute!
The weekend prior to my trip with all the rain the kids got to spend time playing in their first mud puddle and they were covered in mud but had a fantastic time! We all had fun watching them! =) Weston had already gotten pretty muddy when Daddy got the Rhino stuck in the mud and flung it all over them, so Emma might as well have gotten dirty too!
This past weekend was super exciting! We found worms and the kids gave them to Grandpa Ted who used them as bait on his jugs and caught a 2 1/2 lb. catfish. When the kids when to see the fish their worms caught, we let them fish and Emma and Weston both caught their first fish!!!! SO EXCITING! But, it was difficult to get pictures with them and the fish as they didn't want to get too close to the flopping creatures! Hopefully they'll be used to fish by the end of the summer! ;)
We also began potty training last week and Weston pooped on the potty for the first time this weekend which was super exciting for us. Emma still refuses to use the potty, but will gladly just sit on it! =) Hopefully they'll both decide to be done with diaper/pullups in the near future!
The last bit of excitement for the weekend was a new colt born. We are expecting two so the arrival of the first little guy was great news and fun to see!
Other than that, we are just waiting for dryer, warmer weather to begin enjoying our summertime! We don't have anything too big planned this summer. May take a trip back down to Louisiana with Andy and the kids, but we'll see what happens!
Weston and Emma are talking more everyday and doing so well. They are really growing and changing all the time. I can't believe we're potty training, it seems like the last big step from babies to toddlers for us and in many ways make me want to have another baby, but for now we're just going to enjoy these two precious kiddos!
I am super excited that I only have one semester left of classes, so after the fall no more driving to Columbia! Next spring I will be student teaching and should be closer to home! =) Then I will finally have must master's and my teaching certification under my belt and can return to work! I am not necessarily excited about leaving the kids to go to work, but we are ready to move on to building a house and possibly having another baby, but will need more room first! =)
The lsat few weeks and the weeks ahead have been pretty busy and marked some pretty big mile stones. My niece, Casey, turned 18 and will graduate from Helias next week. She then is planning to attend Southeast Missouri State University in the fall. I can still remember giving her rides in her Barbie jeep when she was 2-years-old!
My youngest older brother turned 40 May 5!
My oldest nephew turns 16 today and will start to drive!
Andy's birthday is next week as well as my sister-in-law, Sanae's.
Andy's oldest niece, Savanna, will turn 13 June 12 and his youngest nephew will turn 5 on June 3!
Ted and Marilyn's Anniversary is May 31st and so is my goddaughter's, Samantha's, birthday!
So many events and milestones this year. We are so fortunate to have wonderful friends and family to share these events and milestones!