
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Yes, we're still here!!

Okay, it's been a long while, I don't keep up with the electronic world like I should obviously.  So as you can see from the pictures we recently went on a Disney Cruise for 5 days and 4 nights followed by 3 days at Disney World and needless to say it was a blast!  We all had so much fun, I wish we were still there! =) 
I also recently broke my left ring finger playing softball with my high school students on May 11 had surgery and two pins were placed that evening.  I got the pins out Monday, but the splint stays for 2 weeks, it's been a long nearly 4 weeks already.  Anyway, that made it a little interesting on vacation but thanks to Glad press n seal, it stayed dry and I was still able to enjoy the water.
We saw shows on the cruise, ate too well ;), went to the Atlantis resort and the Disney island Castaway Cay, saw tons of characters, rode nearly all the rides we could at Magic Kingdom, visited Animal Kingdom, saw the light parade and the fireworks, stayed at the awesome wilderness lodge and enjoyed pool time as well, and so much more.  It was really an amazing family vacation!
I also wrapped up my first year of teaching which went well and I'm looking forward to the year ahead, but I'm going to enjoy as much of the summer as I can in between working.
We're hoping to go visit Michelle, but we're also in the midst of building a house so it's a bit chaotic around here and we've been very busy with everything, especially the trip and the house. 
It's amazing how much my priorities have changed, instead of wanting a too large fancy house, I'm very content with a house we won't be separated all the time in and is a good size for us and functional, can't stress the need for functional over looks and wanting to be close spending as much time together as possible, we already spend enough time apart with our schedules.  So, that's changed but it's only because I want to have a lot of family time in the house when we're in it and I also have NO desire to clean more space than we need, I have grown to despise cleaning the house but don't want to hire a stranger either so a not so showy house it is! ;) 
I am so looking forward to having a house though it's not even funny, having more space will be so amazing I can barely stand my excitement and I'm ready to break ground, but we're probably about 2 months or so from that yet, so I'll just keep being excited.  I will probably post too many pictures of the progress it will be annoying so if you still read bear with me, I'm just excited to not be on top of one another any more!


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Disney from phone

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Is it Already Fall?

Time seems to moving faster than ever and my kids are growing so quickly. Work has been keeping me super busy, but the kids come with me to as much as possible. They are definitely going to grow up in the Ag department, but at least they tell me they have fun. I'm the trap coach this year so that keeps me rather busy aside from other FFA activities.
The past couple of weekends we've traveled back and forth to Jefferson City to visit the family and to take Tyler's senior pictures, I'm by no means a professional photographer, but I think they're pretty happy with the results! :)
The kids have learned how to pedal their tricycles so that's been a huge accomplishment over the last few weeks and they're so proud of themselves, it's the best to watch them this summer going on their trikes or driving around the little gator and truck. I'll admit I've fallen behind on doing good at taking their picture and videos so I plan to try to improve that, I'm afraid if I don't get those things to document their life right now I won't remember all the little things I want to which is partly why I try to do the blog to have a record of things for them, I just need to start making time for everything I want to do and quit going with the flow on the nights/weekends at home I guess, but I just don't have much left for free time anymore. Being a working mom is way more difficult than I thought, I mean balancing my time that is. I suppose I should have chosen a profession that is less demanding on my time as I frequently am doing things for it on nights and weekends, but I do love what I'm doing and all my "kids" at school.
This week we're thinking of going to buy the newest blackberry's for me and Andy, we'll see, I'm not sure I'm sold on the idea of getting new phones.....
We are also looking to buy a new vehicle for me soon I think, so I'm looking forward to that, just not the payments! We're hoping to build next spring I guess, at least that's what we've decided for now unless the perfect place comes up for sale. We definitely need a new place that's for certain!
The kids and I are in my friend Angela's wedding in a couple of weeks, I hope they do okay, it'll be their first big performance like that and they're kinda shy so we'll see!
Went ahead and decided to put out my fall/halloween decorations, the kids were so excited and it feels so much like fall I couldn't resist. I have to admit I really like this cooler weather!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Where we've been

So this has been a wild summer. We bought season passes to the landing (water park by Mark Twain Lake) and have went a lot, but would like to have gone more, time has just flown by. Before I started my job we squeezed in short trip to Kansas City and another short trip to see my sister in Lousiana and we got to see alligators and had lots of fun. We spent the 4th of July weekend with friends and worked around home and the kids got their first experience with sparklers and the lanterns that float like in the movie Tangled which was a lot of fun. Since starting the job, I've been gone some which has been hard and time has gone so quickly I blinked and it was August. I haven't done a good job taking pictures lately, but do have a few to share of randomness throughout the summer. I will post them shortly. Other than that we've spent our weekends at home, visiting mom and dad in Jeff City and we even enjoyed one day out on the lake with friends, just us adults! ;) It was an enjoyable time. I think we didn't do much of anything but we've been to the movies and fun things. We had prospects of a new home but it was off the market just about before we began to look into it, so that was disappointing, but we're still not sure if we want to build/buy any way so it was probably for the best. We're also looking into a new car, but have no idea when we'll decide to bite the bullet on that one! LOL! Between county fairs and everything else the life of an ag teachers brings it's been a crazy summer full of fun and life is good. It has been hard leaving the kids, but the job has been rewarding so far and really does make the time away worth it. This week we'll be traveling to the Marion County fair to watch my students show and the kids will be along to enjoy rides and the motocross Thursday evening. Then on to the state fair next week! Then things really get interesting as school begins and I really see what it's like to be an ag teacher! Although I'm excited about a new car and a new home, I'm not sure when/where those directions are leading just yet and that's okay, I'm still enjoying the ride and can't imagine that a different car or new home or anything else would make this life any better than it already is. Although if anyone reads this they may throw up in their mouth a little, I'm gonna get mushy and say I'm truly blessed with a wonderful husband and two great kids, they really make life worth living.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

KC Fun

This last weekend we went to the Cards vs. Royals game in Kansas City and watched the fireworks after the game. It was a blast and the kids had a lot of fun and got very spoiled. We stayed at the Holiday Inn right next to the ballpark with the water park but didn't have time to enjoy the water park so we just used the indoor pool. I'd have been more bummed if I hadn't bought us season passes to the Landing this year! =)
We went to Cabela's and did some shopping on Saturday before heading home as well. It was a great little getaway in the midst of a crazy busy summer.
Between weddings and holidays our weekends are booked until July, which is crazy because then I start working full-time! In the mean time I'm just trying to enjoy what little full-time mom time I have left with the kiddos and we're really enjoying ourselves. I've wasted all of today uploading pictures and updating computer stuff. I hate being inside when it's nice, but that's why these things never get done. I also realized when updating that I haven't done the best job of taking pictures, so I will try to do better at that and at uploading those. Felt good to get all 500+ uploaded to shutterfly and my sharing site, blog and facebook though! ;)
I'm sort of counting down the days until work, I'm excited. Another income means some big changes for us, I'll be getting a new car within the next few months which is very exciting, and hopefully this time next year we'll be able to finally start building a house. It's been a long wait, but it's been worth it.
In the mean time, we're baking and enjoying time outdoors, swinging, riding horses and just having fun. We have been enjoying our little garden and flower beds too! =)
We have a trip planned to Louisiana to visit Michelle sometime June and plan to go to the St. Louis zoo and some other fun places this summer so hopefully they'll be some great pictures and stories to share!