
Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's Been Such A Long Time...

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted in 2011. I feel very bad at this! I am I guess! Anyway, well, I haven't downloaded pictures off of my camera from Christmas or the kids' birthday yet to upload to here or facebook, it may be next year before I get there at this rate. =(
So, since I have no pictures to add at this time I'm going to give a head's up on our crazy schedule/lives since December.
We had great holidays and the birthday parties for the kids went very well. We did the usual two birthday party, the first on their birthday at the Christine Grandparents' home and the next the following Saturday at the Hogg Grandparents' home to celebrate Grandma Loretta's birthday that day as well.
The kids were of course spoiled as ever and were very excited about their birthday and turning 3. My goodness how the last few years have flown by.
I also started student teaching on January 3 and have been very busy ever since starting this 16 week experience, yet here it is, nearly over.
The funny thing is that Andy started working in a small town very close to Center so we've been traveling in the same direction yet again. He looks like he'll be headed towards brookfield soon and will be working there for quite some time if all goes well.
The kids have enjoyed the snow days and playing, although the recent warm weather has been much better and we've done lots of playing outside and going for walks, working on our garden, etc. It's really wonderful to have them at this age where we can actually go and do things all together as a family and the kids have lots of fun.
I also took them roller skating for the first time in February with my FFA kids in Quincy, IL., to Scotty's Fun Spot during National FFA Week. That was a lot of fun and well enjoyed it. the kids were SO tired afterwards, they fell asleep and didn't wake until the next morning!
It's been a very busy time for me and I started the job search, luckily Monroe City was hiring for two ag positions and I was offered one position and accepted. I signed my contract a couple of weeks ago and it was approved by the school board so I'm officially an ag instructor for the 2011-2012 school year starting July 1.
That's exciting and nerve racking all together, but mostly exciting. I'm just hoping we learn the ropes quickly enough! =) So before I start working full-time, I'm going to be spending part of my days at Monroe City learning in May/June and the other soaking up sun and having fun with my kiddos. I'm planning to get a season pass to the Landing and use it a lot before July 1 and use it some after that, but my weeks will be full so that only leaves the weekends.
I also graduate on May 13 (yes Friday the 13) so I will finally have my master's and school work behind me. I started shortly after the kids were born, so this is quite an accomplishment for me and I'm going to go ahead and walk and enjoy the pomp and circumstance because I feel like celebrating! =) I also think it'll be neat to have my kids cheer me on, however graduation doesn't start until 8 so they may fall asleep before I walk across the stage, though I hope not!
I am also busy getting some things ready for Easter, already bought Emma's dress last month but need to get Weston's outfit.
This week will be State FFA Convention and my last busy week as a student teacher. Next week is my final week, but I won't be teaching any classes and am only there for 4 days. Then I'm pretty much tying up any loose ends that need to be taken care of before graduation and enjoying some time at home with the kids.
For anyone who may be interested in what I'm teaching next year I have my schedule and will be teaching Ag Science 1 (two sections), Horticulture (greenhouse), Ag Business, and 7th Ag Exploratory Class. I am excited about teaching these classes and think it will be a lot of fun. I also have an SAE period and a planning period. I am excited to be back at Monroe City, I made connections there when working at the paper and am happy to be able to see those people more often. I am a little bummed that I will be gone for MVATA Convention for ag teachers during the Cole County fair as we've enjoyed being down there and riding rides/watching tyler show and just having fun the last few years, but my kids are planning to stay with grandma and grandpa then so they'll still enjoy it I'm sure.
It's been a rough year for sickness, which I think is partially due to the fact that my kids have never been at a babysitter with other kids so their being exposed to a lot more than before, just little things and pink eye, but it's been kinda non-stop between the 4 of us, so I'm hoping the warm weather brings that to an end.
I know this post has been all over the place, there's been a lot happening and not a lot of free time as my weekends have been full of practice contests and then spending whatever time I have off the computer and with the family and trying to do laundry and a little cleaning. My house was very neglected during the last month and a half or so, but made up for that yesterday. ;)
Tonight we are going bowling for the first time with some of our friends (well it's the kids' first time anyway) so I'm hoping that goes well and is an enjoyable experience! So, for now that's life and I'll try to get better about posting and making time to get pictures up, but it will probably be after the next two weeks and student teaching is over and I have some more free time.

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