
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Big Boy/Big Girl Beds & Our 4 Year Anniversary

Well, Friday Weston finally received his master climber award as he flawlessly climbed out of his crib and did so at least two more times on Saturday. In an effort to try to keep accidents down, we switched their cribs to toddler beds today. I can say I'm less than thrilled that they can get up whenever they want and I'm nervous as to what the night will bring. I knew it had to happen sooner or later, but I was hoping for later.
Nap time today went okay, Emma ended up going to sleep on her own in bed which didn't really surprise me, she fights going to sleep less than Weston. Weston had to lay with me and then I put him in his own bed, so I'm hoping this will all work out alright!
Thursday marked mine and Andy's 4 year wedding anniversary. We didn't do anything to celebrate until Saturday night, we went out to Kobe's in Columbia for a wonderful dinner and went to the new Cody's for a short time to enjoy playing pool and some dancing. It was an absolutely wonderful evening! We had even went out Friday night as well to celebrate Andy's cousin, Jared, surprise 30th Birthday Party so it was an eventful weekend!
I'm glad to see the snow is gone and hoping it will stay that way until next Christmas. I'm looking forward to spring and especially summer as I'll be home with the kids everyday and we can just enjoy the great outdoors! Spring break is only a couple of weeks away which is so exciting. Once we get back school will nearly be over for the semester, then only one semester of driving back and forth to Columbia!!
I cannot believe how quickly my children have grown. They are amazing! Some days are trying more than others, mostly days when they fight a lot, but other days have less fighting and are really good days. They are ready to be able to go outside and burn energy that they just can't seem to get rid of when they're indoors! I'm so excited that they are older and will be able to do more this summer, I think they'll have so much fun!
Well, I suppose I should go, it's later than I thought thanks to daylight savings time so in the words of the Truman show in case I don't see you later, good morning, good afternoon and good night!

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