
Friday, October 1, 2010


So this summer was crazy. Weston fell and ended up with a large hole in his tongue where he bit through it. He then developed impetigo, which caused his mouth to look horrible. Luckily once we got out of the emergency room and then into the pediatrician, it didn't take long for him to get back to normal. Although he did receive two stitches in his tongue, which was a traumatic experience for all of us to say the least. I am going to post the pictures but they aren't for the faint of heart as they are rather yucky. They go backwards in order from when he was getting better to the first morning after he got stitches. If you think it was weird of me to take pictures, well it was a good way to show his dad who was at work how he was doing and also we could send them to the pediatrician so she could see what was going on, not always easy to describe over the phone....

Following Weston's accident, we had a great rest of the summer. We enjoyed going to the Cole County Fair to watch Tyler show his pigs and spent several nights enjoying rides! We also spent one evening at the Miller County Fair, although we only were able to ride a couple rides there.

We also enjoyed participating in parades in support of Amy at both Clarence Homecoming and Old Settlers.

Andy and I took the kids to their first movie at the theater back in June and saw Toy Story 3. It was great and the kids loved it so I decided to take them and Si and Savanna to watch Despicable Me. It was a cute film as well, but I wish we wouldn't have gone to 3D as Emma and Weston didn't really want to leave their glasses on (they are pretty uncomfortable). I got this picture of Weston in the lobby with the Woody and Buzz Lightyear cut-outs he liked so much.
Although I didn't take pictures, we went to the Landing two days this summer with Elizabeth and her kids and had a blast! Can't wait for next year!
We also just enjoyed lots of time at home together swimming in grandma's pool, swinging, playing outside and doing some crafty things indoors. This was an absolutely great summer for us and I hated having to return back to school. However, the semester is going by fairly quickly and I'm nearly done with my massive amounts of driving to Columbia and Jefferson City, so I'm thrilled for that!
Since returning to school, I was invited to join Amy, Si and Savanna to MU's home opener game against McNeese State. I had a great time and only took one picture from my blackberry, but will share our view from the stands! It was a special 4-H function and we got t-shirts and walked around the field before the game, which was pretty awesome!
Also, I should be blogging far more often as we finally upgraded our internet and I can actually do things at home such as upload pictures! =)
Last weekend we made a trip to St. Louis which included going to the zoo and City Museum. That blog is to come this weekend!
We also are going to have new family photos taken in the near future, so hopefully I'll get some of those posted and we are going to the MU homecoming game (which I bought Weston and Emma some cute new MU apparel for) which will posted as well in a few weeks! =)

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