
Thursday, November 11, 2010

What's Going On

So, it's been a crazy busy semester. I actually am barely able to get anything done and feel like I'm being pulled in a million directions, which is why I'm ecstatic to say I only have 2.5 weeks left! I still commute to Jeff City one day next week, but the last week and a half only to Columbia! Yay! I am so ready to be done with classes and ready to move on to student teaching. Even though that part makes me nervous, I know it will be my energy going in one direction, rather than student, teaching assistant, assistantship work hours and extra problems hours work on top of being a mother of two and wife. I thought this semester would be my easiest, hahaha, not so much.
Okay, that's enough venting about school. So we had some mice in the house, ended up needing a new dresser! But we went shopping last week and Andy will be bringing home the new dresser, couch and recliner tomorrow! I'm very excited for new furniture.
I've been trying to upload some pictures from this fall but it is taking a long time for some reason, so hopefully I'll get a couple more blogs up and be fairly caught up on life blogging wise for a couple of weeks any way! =)
Saturday is opening day of rifle season and I'm super excited. I love deer hunting! I just hope my buck fever is somewhat reduced and I can actually get a shot on something this year! There is also a craft type show going on in Shelbina Saturday morning so I'm hoping I can work it to swing over there, I don't want to miss out on scentsy and miche bags and all the fun things in store there!
I know, I know, I may be the only one to say this, but I can't wait to decorate for Christmas. It is my favorite time of year and knowing it's only about 2 weeks away form Thanksgiving is sooo exciting! I actually have bought a few things already so I think I'll be in great shape for Christmas this year and get done well ahead of time.
I'm taking a break from facebook until December 8th. Hopefully that will mean more time to get some blogging done as I slack here and getting all my school stuff finished I am done on December 8th with the exception of one final on the 13th. I can't believe how often I was checking it and on there, really a good thing to break for a while.
Emma and Weston have been doing very well. Still no success on potty training, but I'm hoping once we're home and not driving every week we can get that lined out. I sure am ready to be done with that! Weston was said when I took down the halloween decorations and wanted his pumpkins, but he's looking forward to Christmas decorating I think. I cannot believe my kids are going to be 3 years old in a couple of months. Time really has gone by quickly. I am anxiously awaiting May and the end of my master's program, even though I've enjoyed my time at MU and all the wonderful people I've met these last 2.5 years. I hope the new year will be less stressful for myself and will present a job opportunity so we can finally start putting down plans on a house. But, I must say, not having a house has been well worth all the time I've had at home with my kids, they really amaze me even though they do make me want to pull my hair out some days, they always make a day so much better. Well, I better get to bed, long day tomorrow as we are headed to the pediatric allergy specialist all afternoon. Check-up for Weston and initial appointment for Emma!

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